Bayshore Companion Dog Club & Lower Bucks Dog Training Club
Crating for this event will be in the fully air conditioned, 75’x52′ adjacent building.
ENTRIES OPEN: Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 8 AM
ENTRIES CLOSE: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6 PM
LIMIT: 350 runs per day.
TRIAL CHAIR FRIDAY: Denise Marden, email: marden89@hotmail.com
TRIAL CHAIR SATURDAY: Mary Pat Ezzo, email:mpezzo@aol.com
TRIAL CHAIR SUNDAY: Roger Matzke, email: matzke5@verizon.net
TRIAL SECRETARY: Fast Times, INC, 3 Sherman CT, Manalapan, NJ 07726
Fax 1-888-521-1706 Click here to send us an email
2022 BAYSHORE-LOWER BUCKS premium.doc | 2022 BAYSHORE-LOWER BUCKS premium.pdf |
A completed entry form is required for all entries . If you are using the below PayPal option to pay your fees, please mail or email your completed form once you have made your payment.
Emailed entries will not be accepted on opening day of any trial.