Click here for updated hand delivery info
Link: About Emailed Correspondence & Move-ups
Link: Updated 12/10/18 Should I send Overnight or Regular mail?
List of Current VMOs (Volunteer Measuring Officials)
Link to AKC’s Fillable PDF Entry Form
Download it to your computer. Open it up and fill it out for your dog and save it named with your dog’s name to your computer so you do not have to keep writing it out every time – just change the top part and print it out. You can even save it as a new file with the trial name so you know what you entered for that particular trial!
If trial name is in bold print and underlined, that trial’s web page is available. Just click on the Club Name.
Over the past few years, the United States Post Office has become increasing unreliable. We are experiencing many more problems with mail delivery than ever before. It is sometimes delivered to the wrong address, it is occasionally returned to sender, and lately — it is not delivered at all. When mailing entries to us, please contact us if you do not receive a confirmation within one week. Do not assume that we have received it.
Do not wait until after a trial closes! At that point it is too late!
Trials are not filling as quickly as they have in the past, so there is no need to spend extra money on Overnight/Priority delivery.
Please make sure you fill out your entry forms correctly and completely – that includes, class, division, jump height, call name, registered name, AKC registration number, sign the agreement back page, breed, dog’s height, date of birth, AND the Total Fees for that entry. These upcoming trials will fill on the first or second day and we will not accept entries that are not complete – and that includes having the check made out for the correct amount and made out to the right payee.
Do not risk having your entry refused because you did not fill it out properly.
PLEASE double-check your entries before mailing them. We encourage you to do your math right on the entry form.
If your entry form is incomplete or incorrect you will have to RE-SUBMIT A CORRECTED ENTRY FORM with all the fields completed before we can process it. This is necessary due to AKC rules on entries needing to be filled out completely.